Monday, May 18, 2009

Snagged Qs from Sunday Stealing

Sorry for stealing these questions guys but I just felt like I am so bored that I can't think of anything to do at this moment of my life. Thanks to Sunday Stealing blog for the game she has in her blog. Woowwww looks like these are interesting questions to do tonight which I am going to answer truthfully.

1. What is on the walls of your room?
~~~~ green paint with only two things hanging on it, an orig boat oil painting and big picture frame of red flowers.

2. What type of music do you listen to?
~~~~ country, classical and pop

3. What do you want more than anything right now?
~~~~ just want to do some opps for money.. huh always thinking 'bout money here!

4. Do you get scared in the dark?
~~~~ nope unless of course after watching horror/ghosts movie

5. What's you worst fear?
~~~~~ death

6. If you could anything right now, what would it be?
~~~~~ a super woman?

7. What’s the meaningful gift that you’ve received?
~~~~~ all of 'em, I mean the ones from my husband!

8. Do you have a crush?
~~~~ yes hehe, pwede silingan ug celebrity? Chris Evans and the guy living across the street shhhhhhhh don't tell this to anybody!

9. Who is your favorite celebrity?
~~~~~ Chris Evans and Jason Statham

10. Could you fall in love with someone that you know must leave?
~~~~~ hmm probably

11. Share a favorite quote of yours.
~~~~ "If others can do, why can't I?" huh I don't know if that's a quote
12. What’s your weakness?
~~~~ diamonds

13. Do you believe that we all have a soul mate?
~~~~ yes of course, I do!

14. What were you doing before Sunday Stealing?
~~~~ ah dropping ECs that's how I stumbled Sunday Stealing

15. What do you get complicated about the most?
~~~~ solving mathematical equations?

16. What turns you off the most from a potential partner?
~~~~ cheater and untidy looking

17. What is you worst habit?
~~~~ farting and yelling

18. When was the last time that you were jealous?
~~~~~ just hours ago looking at this very gorgeous friend of mine in Missouri, she is just one sizzlin' hot animal! (I mean she is close to perfection, guapa, sexy ah you name it all!)

19. Have you ever had a “friend with benefits”?
~~~~ yeah hehe

20. Do you use sarcasm?
~~~~ yeah, to a person I don't really like

21. At the moment, what’s you favorite song?
~~~~ Ben, lolz I can get a 96 score of it from my Magic Sing

22. What is you favorite day of the year?
~~~~~ can I ask 2? My wedding and baby's birth

23. Describe your love life.

24. When was your last one night stand?
~~~~ what?? you kidding me?

25. How many past lovers are too many?
~~~~ 100

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