Saturday, March 29, 2008

My little Cutie Pie

My little cutie the light of my life.She's giving everyone such happiness only a baby can give.She's mom and dad's little darling! I am getting excited to show off my little cutie in whole Lapu-lapu City.So anxious now that I sometimes find myself dreaming roaming around my birth place with my baby with me and people are liking what they see.An American baby in a small city she'll become the center of attention.

Man,I really can't wait when that time comes.My baby is getting prettier everyday I should say.Hmm love you much baby kow!!

top diet pills

America's common problem is obesity.I know it is.I see there are alot of obese people around here.Simply go to a local neighborhood grocery store,nearest mall or walking in the park,there they are. So sad though that they never take care of their body,they wait until they are so big before they are tyin to take and buy top diet pills.Speaking about that,if you are looking for top diet pills buy it online or shop at because they have everything there for reasonable prices.

To All My Visitors,Please Read

If you consider yourself as my visitor here,then please do me a favor.My baby is always busy sucking milk and visiting place to place,she is asking her mommy if whoever passed by in this blog,could you feed her fish in the aquarium?

It is located in right sidebar on the very top of all.As you see,she has 10 group of fish which can be entertaining while you are feeding them.I hope you enjoy your moment with the fish because when you do that,it is like you're having fun with the owner,Jadyn.

Thank You!

life insurance

We will never know what will happen tomorrow.If you are not prepared then you better be,start planning to get a life insurance to cover you whatever happens to you.Getting one for you doesn't mean you are cursing yourself but preparing your loved ones when time comes that something is not good happening to you.Do not leave them with mountain of bills because it's not going to make them happy.Think of the future.You still have ample time to get a life insurance for you and for your kids.Act now,it is never too late for you.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Funny Faces

This video just brought a big smile on my face.The baby is absolutely funny.He's real big eyes and make lots of funny faces in the tub.Watch it so you'll know what I am talking about.hehehe..enjoy!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday My Dear Sister

Today is my sister Alexia Mae's 8th birthday! I hope that mama will bring her to the church to light some candles on her birthday.I am not sure if she can get a cake today because I am so poor right now.I just wish my little sister a good life,good health and that many many many many more birthdays to come.

Don't worry sistah I will make it up to you next time you have your birthday.Just always know that Ate loves you so much and that I am always be here for you and always be your big sister no matter what!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Vocals of Journey--Our Very Own Arnel Pineda

Gosh! Gosh! As a Filipino I can't help but be proud being one as there is this newly discovered Filipino vocals of the Journey Band to replace the original lead singer Steve Perry. I watched several videos of him together with Journey live concert in Chile on youtube.He's just so lucky and shall we say this is his big break being a singer to have been discovered by not just an ordinary band but bonggacious international very famous and best band Journey.

This is what Arnel Pineda had to say as quoted; “It’s so exciting to sing with one of the best bands in the world. It’ll be a lot of hard work on my part and I’m actually looking forward to the scrutiny I’ll get from the hardcore JOURNEY fans. I know they’ll expect me to sound exactly like ‘the voice’ (Steve Perry), but that will never happen.
I know there's only one Steve Perry in this world.”“It’s so exciting to sing with one of the best bands in the world. It’ll be a lot of hard work on my part and I’m actually looking forward to the scrutiny I’ll get from the hardcore JOURNEY fans. I know they’ll expect me to sound exactly like ‘the voice’ (Steve Perry), but that will never happen. I know there's only one Steve Perry in this world.”

He is from Quezon,Philippines and had his own band called the Zoo.Arnel was being discovered by Neal Schon (guitar) on youtube.For more stories,visit their official homepage at

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter Everyone!

I wanted to go to church this Easter because it's been a long time since I've been there.3 months no church I believe. I am needing spiritual food for my soul for it is getting heavy already. But there is no other way to go to church alone without my husband driving us.His work schedule has changed so I would expect that it's gonna be too long before I can hear mass again.
Anyways,I would like to greet everyone who pass by here A HAPPY HAPPY Easter and to those moms who have kids,may you enjoy watching your children as they go for egg hunting.

teak furniture

I imagine my Spring to be spending most of my time lounging in the backyard or in the front porch.Grilling some meat while waiting for husband finishing his yard work,Jadyn herself is playing with out dog,chasing each other and me at the same time while doing the grill,sitting in a teak furniture looking at my child having a lot of fun with our dog. This is only in my imagination,a perfect picture of a happy small family! I am looking forward for my wish to come true sometmie soon.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Chichai

Know Chichai our first baby a little bit.On this video showing where she came from and the appearance of her dear mother.She is a mixture of 3 breedings,chihuahua,duchsund and the other one I forgot.Anyways,I missed the once little puppy now.She was so cute when she first arrived here 5 months ago and I really missed that.Now she has grown so big weighing 7 lbs.,so active and energetic,playful and scratches alot.

used cisco

Buying used stuff is not bad at all.I call it economical because it work fine same as the brand new ones.Sometimes we cannot deny myself that we have to buy used things as long as it is still functional because it saves us a lot of money. Talking about used,I found an online store that sells used cisco that we can use in setting up a network from the computer room to our living room so hubby can just do his thing without getting to the boring pc room of ours.

indoor lighting

I don't understand why most people especially here in America use the yellow color light.Even here inside this house most of the bulbs that my husband is using are the yellow colored ones which I do not like so much because it is kind of painful to my eyes that is why I always have my eyebrows crossed. If I am given a chance to change our indoor lighting then I would pick the white light color because that is what I am used to have back home.

Can't Imagine the big Mess She Make

Chichai such a cutie,a lovable puppy! Yes we do love her but sometimes pisses us off by playing hard to us,biting and a lot of chewing.Not a day to pass without her making a big mess in the living room.She could always find things to chew and tear the thing into small pieces and scatter it everywhere.

That is fine though because I'm not gonna be the one who will clean it up.Excuse me,my life is pretty busy with baby and blogging alone.It's my husband who does the job,he clean it after work if he is not tired.

safety cutters

I consider myself clumsy.In every sharp object that is in my hands,I promise I always get cuts or laceration out of using sharp knives,nails,pins or whatsoever.You will see my hands are full of scar because of that.My husband cannot do anything about it for I was born to be like this and so he is looking for safety cutters for me. I believe I found an online store that offers the largest range of safety knives, safety cutters and box cutters anywhere - many with unique, patented safety features. Our safety knives and safety cutters include spring loaded knives, box cutters, ergonomic knives, strapping cutters and deburring tools,that plaice is no other than Martor USA.

chat with mama

I felt overjoyed when mama and I finally chatted online after 2 years of being here in the US.It was her first time to do the voice chat,face the computer and actually see me live on webcam as well as my baby. Good timing when I called home and my brother who happened to be at home and I ask him to bring mama to the internet cafe so she could see her first grandchild even atleast on the webcam.She have seen baby's photos alright but it would still be different for her seeing us moving,talking through voice chat.

Wish we can do this sometime soon because Jadyn now knows how to flash her dashing smile so perhaps,she would see her grandchild smiling at her for the first time ever.

drug rehab

Getting help for your loved one who is into any kind of addiction is difficult because what if he or she refuse the offer from you? Or looking for the right drug rehab center is not an easy job at all for you have a lot of things to consider before settling to the best rehab center in town.Based on my readings on the internet as to what and where the best drug rehab in the nation is the one in Malibu.Visit their website at

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Arc Bridge

That's me on the bridge...this was taken in the Japanese Garden here in Fort Worth last Spring '07

Monday, March 17, 2008

Square Face Baby

Help!!! What happen to the cute baby we brought home almost 2 months ago? Look at the photo if you can tell that it's my Jadyn for she has now grown so big and fat.She loves milk alot.Give her an 8 ounces of milk and she won't refuse it neither stop if you won't stop the suction.She coulld drink the whole bottle of milk straight.Hope she will not become overweight or I'll blame myself for feeding her too much.

command prompt

For computer geeks,this is for you.I found a website that is helpful to your building of website or making a program that has command prompt, has everything you need.Visit the website now and get their service.I admit,I do not know anything about codings or programs in the computer but one thing is for sure that it can be learned if I just take it seriously.I took a full year of programming course in college before but quit because I was too busy doing other things that is of my interest.

I'm Not A Cheater

You Couldn't Cheat On Your Guy

Not that you'd want to anyway!

You're incredibly loyal and honest...

Definitely not the cheating kind.

I hate to be cheated on.I am definitely loyal to the guy I'm currently with.Even with my so called "boyfriends online" before. I see to it that there is no other while I am having a relationship to him because I expect him to be honest and loyal with me too.What is written above is 100% correct about me.Couldn't,never cheat my guy!

blog back upr

So nice to know to be able to pour out all emotions we feel inside.Having a blog to write whatever thoughts we have is so helpful.I do have 6 blogs made by Ivy and for this,I can consider as my bestfriends because they are always ready for me when I need to write something to it.However,this is not a guarantee that I will not lose my journal because as what I experience in blogger that it will shut down sometimes and I could nor log in to my account.So scary,I feel that I need to back it up to make it sure I still have it and for my sites to be safe.All I need to do is sign up at BlogBackupr for a blog back up.

If you feel the need to have your blogs stay forever,visit them now guys and become a member there.Just click on this link here BlogBackupr it should get you to the homepage.Signing up is easy and quick.You may want to tell this website to your friends so they will sign up too? There is no better way to keep your blog going but to get a back up if in case there's something happen to blogger site.

Nice Husband...Spoiled Wife

I really am lucky for my husband because he is willing to give everything that pleases me.You all know that I already lost 2 digital cameras in less than a year,see how danghag ug dagan I am? I keep bugging my lalabs to buy me another one for the third time,I don't need a fancy camera this time as long as I can have something to use to follow Jadyn's milestones month by month.

I already missed too many precious smiles of our baby so if as much as possible I want to have the camera real soon.We do have the very first camera but I cannot use it when lalabs is at work for it became his work camera.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Openness to the Ones I know Well

You Are 46% Open

You are a fairly open person, but you also like to maintain your privacy.

You definitely will tell all (okay, almost all) to your closest friends...

But strangers and acquaintances only get a peek into your life.

if I trust the person or I am comfortable with her then I confide some of pivate details of my life.Close friends know how straight and open I am to talk about sex.So what? After all,it's just normal for us.I don't hesitate talking about it to people who are close to me especially if they are married. If you can't deal with it,then get lost.


Being in this advanced world every high technology appliances and or electronics amazed me so much how they provide such better quality picture and ease of use.Like if you have a hi-definition t.v,you are loving your show so much because it gives clear and high picture resolution.I remember one time,my husband was looking for a certain CAT6 to connect something in to the t.v.When I showed him this cable,he smiled for he found what he needed.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

2 Years In USA Today

Today has marked the calendar of me being here in the USA for 2 years now.It was March 13 of 2006 noontime when Korean Air landed in LAX Airport, California. I was so happy and couldn't believe that I finally saw the world of America at that time.It was still kind of cold walking outside to meet my father inlaw in the parking lot,I was somehow feeling kinda losing my mind for few minutes because of the fact "naana jud ako sa America",my dream country to see since I was a child. We stopped by for a day in Banning,CA to see my FIL(he was still residing in CA at that time then a year and half passed,he moved to San Antonio,Texas). I was so glad that he accepted me right away as the wife of his oldest son.

From there,we went to Palm Springs,CA the following day to have a little ride of the famous Tramway Cable Car that brought us to the top of the mountain where there is a restaurant,a beautiful view of snowy top looking down below the ground.It was my first hands-on of the snow,another big dream come true when I saw it and felt its cold-warm pressure in my hands. The following day,we flew off to our home,Texas,the place where we make a family.

Attached are the photos of myself and lalabs in the airport(first photo)in the baggage claim area,waiting for our luggage,second photo is of my first few steps in US in my FIL's car going to his home in Banning and the last photo is of my first snow experience! For a clearer copy of these photos,if interested,visit my photo album in Lots of fun photos to see there so if you have time,take a peek.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Watch this Makapanindig Balahibo Beauty Contestant

Good day guys,this video I got from you tube is really interesting and hilarious to watch knowing that Binibining Pilipinas Beauty Pageant is a grand pageant in the country that whoever wins the contest will represent the Philippines to Miss World.But look at this dumb mila milaon nga Pinay,murag amaw ang eninglishan patuga tuga apil grrrrrrrr.NANLIMBAWT AKO BALAHIBO NIYA.Not that I am humiliating her but gosh..Diyos Mio,balik grade one oi! I know my english is a "guava english" binayabas nga eninglishan sa bisaya pa pero hey mine is a lot better than Janina San Miguel ok?

Take note guys,siya pa nidaog sa engrande nga contest..Ginoo ko!! Pasayloa ang mga kurakot!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Jealousy Of a Dog To Our Baby

Every night Jadyn is a little bitchy because that is when gas starts to build up in her stomach so she cries and doesn't want me to leave her,she wants to be cradled in my arms but I have other things to do aside from her.Like last night,I thought I put her down in a deep sleep but minutes later I am in the kitchen to wash the dishes she coos and then start crying again.Good thing that her dad was already home so she was rescued with daddy and brought her to the living room so dad could enjoy his beer and the t.v.

Not long they're sitting there and Jadyn nikalit lang hilak perting kusoga as if she's in deep pain.It hurts hearing her like that but I trust since she's in her dad's so its just ok. Dad didn't know what was wrong with her.As soon as I am done with the dishes I sat next right to them and got Jadyn with me.I noticed that there is a short but big red scratch on her right arm.Naks hohoho,I can say for certain that it was Chichai's nails.

Chichai's place every morning is on my husband's lap while he is reading his news online.I would say his morning is not complete without Chichai with him.I came to them but the reaction is just normal.Lalabs' said that she's showing a different reaction,a normal reaction.But when he is carrying Jadyn in his arms,Chichai tends to be so active and agressive,trying to grab some attention from her dad and oh start messing with my baby. I noticed that too not just once,twice but several instances.

I did not know that dogs should feel jealous too,just like human beings.She doesn't feel like she is a dog,she is jealous of my baby whenever she's being carried by daddy.Yes,we treat her like one of us but hurting our baby is not good at all.I don't like the idea that one day she will hurt my baby because she doesn't want to be left out.I can't believe Chichai.She's just a dog and yet,paraygon ug mag selos pa? Impossible.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Innocent Me

Snow in the Northern Part of the country is not new to the people living in cold States.In fact,I often hear some of my friends complaining how tired they are with snow because it is not melting and too cold for them to be outside.I would also do the same if I happen to live somewhere North because I can only imagine the very very cold temperature up there,it makes me sick.

But here in Texas,mura mi maihas sa snow for it only comes once or twice a year.This year is the thickest I ever had so I had so much fun and really it's priceless to be able to touch,feel and see the big flakes of snow coming down from heaven.Thanks goodness Lord for you give me my small wish. The video attached is of me having a blast in cold winter in Texas.


My husband has been meaning to give something to his father last Christmas as a present.Something that he can use when driving because according to his girlfriend,Grace,he often get lost driving somewhere San Antonio.My husband has been looking for a GPS on ebay but unfortunately he often get outbid if there is something he likes.Also,Christmas is not good for shopping for this kind of toy because the prices are a bit too high.Now that it is past Christmas I am pretty sure that he can get a GPS at an affordable and reasonable price at,I think it is much better to go shop for GPS directly than bidding on ebay and wait for the auction to end which is very time consuming.I will tell this website to him when he gets home tonight so he can start lookin for one for his father.

liver cleanse

Take good care of your health for it is the only wealth you have.No use of having so much money and you are sickly.I would rather be poor than possessing a lot of money and no happiness or is suffering from deadly diseases like liver cancer.I know liver cancer is one of the world's killer diseases.I have a friend who suffers hepatitis B and I feel so bad about her.If only I can do something about her illness,I would have done that and if only she's near me I could just give her a medicine to help her liver cleanse but too bad she is too far from me.If you are health conscious then you should buy a liver cleanse product at so that you will start a healthy lifestyle.Go visit them now.

How Big is Your Mouth?

Your Mouth is a Little Big

You're not a total tell all, but you don't hide who you are either.

You've struck a good balance between discretion and sharing.

People know you fairly well, at least on a superficial level.

But you save your most revealing secrets for your best friend... or no one!

I won't deny it.My mouth is kinda big because I sometimes talk too much even if it is kinda personal.Well,I only open up with my secrets to whom I trust or friends that I am comfortable with confiding my personal life. Yes,I do talk about sex but aren't we married filipinas talk about it when we're in group discussions especially with hilarious people around? This is so interesting to take,I would like to pass this on to Ivy,Ritchella,Annie,Darlene and Rose to see how big are the mouths of these people

auto insurance

I never thought that having an auto insurance is a must in the US or in any parts of the world because when you get into accident you will not be burden of the mountain of bills when you have your car fixed. In the country where I came from, auto insurance do not exist.I did not even know it until I arrived here.

We do have 4 cars in total and lalabs is paying all 4 for the insurance.He said it is worth it but I do think his current insurance is charging him too much,if I can convince him to look at auto insurance at website,I would do that so we can save atleast a few bucks for it.If you are to look for car insurance,get it at the name alone,rest assured that you will get less or cheaper rates.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Can't Keep Up

See this blog was last updated 3 days ago. Wonder why that is? Life has been busy here.If you read my other blog you would know why.Lots of appointments that need to be attended this week.Today was the craziest because both of me and my husband has each apps to the OB and him to the dentist.

I did not know it that I am way too behind in this blog now.Since there is no opps for this one,I hadn't have the time to update it.Too hard to maintain 6 blogs at a time you know? I am already very sleepy right now and yet I'm still not done with my blogs.Lots of visits need to pay attention to.With these being said,I'd like to ask for your patience guys.I may not be able to visit you tonight but tomorrow I will,perhaps....I see you in your blog soon.In the meantime,need to stop now and get some rest.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Kinikilig..Si Ako!!!

I am not a big American Idol fan.I only watch it during the audition because its so much fun.In fact,when I first arrived here(since AI) is just free to watch,I just ignored it and not taking my time to watch it simply because I was not fascinated by it.And this year's season AI,the season 7.Man,I can't ignore it no more because lots of pretty faces to see. Grabi gihakot sa mga beautiful people ang karong tuiga.I would say DAVID HERNANDEZ is the most handsome of all contestants.There are others that I like too but he simply the most stunningly,devastingly handsome of them all! Grabi nakaka kilig..kinikilig SI AKO!!!! Video attach is from last week's shot because it's too early for people to be posting his video for tonight's show. WOW GRABI KAAYO KA GUAPO ANG BUANG YAWAR!!!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Thanks God For Some Snow!!!

Oh my golly!! Thanks alot Lord for little poor wife's wish has been granted by You. You heard me when I plead to have some snow tonight.The excitement was not 100% though because when I went out to play a little bit,I was also thinking of the baby sleeping in our bedroom,she could cry any moment while I'm outside.

And guess what? I was right,she was already crying out loud after just a few minutes in the snow. Hayyy kalipay jud naku gipatilaw gipakita snow sa makajut karong mga tuiga intawn.THE FIRST SNOW OF THE YEAR '08. Photos I took are below.Not much of happiness kay ngitngit ug gabii na ayo gi snowhan mga 7:45 pm na!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Expecting Some Snow...

Yeyy I am so excited here because I just heard on the news that we gonna have some snow this Monday.The temperature is gonna be 45 degrees fahrenheit,it is cold but I don't mind it as long as I can see some snow this year.I hope the nature won't fail me because I really am anxious now.

See I was right for my hopes that I'm going to see some snow this year.The weather here in Texas has been very very good so I almost lost my hope for the snow.Yeeppeeyyy wish me luck guys! This is just my happiness..I'm just a poor young mom,easy to please..mother nature don't crash my expectation.

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