Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Old Photo of Our Friendship

Rose, the one in the middle of this picture asked me of my multiply account because she is looking for lost photos of us and this is what she found in my account. A nice old photo of us three, Annie, Rose and yours truly taken last Christmas of 2007. Back then we were still "virgin" hot looking gals. I was 11 months pregnant of my baby at that time so my face was kind of bloated waaaaa hehehe but despite of that, I honestly say that these three ladies in the picture look hot! Do you agree?

Monday, August 24, 2009

My Hated Chores

I don't mind doing any other chores at home except these two, washing dishes and folding clean clothes. They take too long to finish you know but heck no one is around to do these things in my behalf. Heck, the most dreaded chores I wanna do yet I keep doing them everyday of my existence here on Earth, why is that?

When my husband arrived home from work tonight, the dryer was still running but the clothes that were drying were almost done and so he just stopped the dryer from running and finished the job himself. I was planning of folding the clothes tomorrow but what he did? He took them out and laid them all on the bed.

When I went to the bedroom to get something, all I could find was the clothes neatly scattered on our bed and I uttered, I am not ready to do this tonight, why did he bring 'em all in here??? Duhhhhh had no choice but did the folding of our clothes. I felt relieved afterwards for I don't have to think about it tomorrow.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Miss Universe Pageant Tonight

I am anticipating for the grand beauty pageant on earth, the Miss Universe 2009 will be aired tonight at 8 p.m central time. I always love watching beauty pageants because I can get to see and admire different beauties from all over the world as well as how much brain they have when it comes to question and answer portion. That is one part that I love the most in the show.

I only got 1 more hour left before it starts and for those who happen to read this entry, well, you better watch your clocks and make sure you won't miss the show.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hungry-- Aching Stomach

I am hungry and my stomach is aching wanting for real delicious foods. I do have tawgi soup that I cooked this morning but I don't feel like eating it. My taste buds are somehow looking for a different recipe that is out of this world, I don't know what that is. One thing I am certain though is that I really need to eat.

Honestly, I am tired of eating my own cooking. Wish I can have someone to cook something for me right now and pig myself out and become butirik. So many things in my mind right now. I want that sizzling hot vegetable stew with kamunggay in it, kinilaw nga bulinaw or sinugbang nukos! Slurpinggggg, eating my own laway for I know it is impossible to get these foods here! Wait a minute, what am I doing to myself??? So much of a torture sya sya gtg now.. gotta look for food.. gi ulcer naku ani gibati kasakita sa tiyan.

Lil Granny

Can you guess how old this little granny in the picture? I call her my little granny for the fact that she is my baby yet looking very much like that of a hundred-year old granny next door.

Jadyn, my silly girl loves messing around adults' stuff like her dada's reading glasses. Even if they're not appropriate for her age, dada put them on to her for the sake of satisfying her curiosity. When Jadyn tried them on, she just loving them and she posed real quick for a photo shoot.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Makes Me Wanna Go Home Too

The past couple of days has been so slow for me. I am bored to hell, there is nothing else to do here in this country. If you don't drive you are stuck in the house that makes me sick looking at every little corner of this little house. There is nothing to look forward to except going home to the Philippines. I've have had my vacation over there six months ago and here I am now longing to go back again.

Two people I know are heading their way to PI. My brother just arrived from working in Dubai for a little over three years and at home with my parents. Another people are Chilay and her daughter probably on their flight now going home also. Geeezz I am so jealous! The idea of them seeing the Philippines makes me wanna go home too.

No, I am not homesick. I am just bored and want to go out of the house everyday. Summer is still here and I can't go for a walk until it is over.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nature Hike

I got to hang out with my DFW friends yesterday and it was a fun day for all five of us including the two babies. I am glad we were able to do some walks to the park later in the evening as the sun wasn't so hot anymore and had a small picnic over there. After pigging out at the buffet restaurant earlier that day, we were just delighted to be able to at least burn some calories that we put that day and over the last days of being a couch potato.

Next time again folks and hopefully Rose won't be too busy with her second job so we can still see and hang out together as usual.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Breakfast-- Eggplant

This is what I have for breakfast and lunch today. Eggplant made into two recipes. The first photo is a kinilaw na talong and the second photo is my ever favorite tortang talong-- made with egg, a little bit of salt and onions. This simple breakfast simply fills my hungry stomach and this is all what I need and nothing else. Even my baby loves the tortang talong!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wanted To Be Picked Too

Here's a short funny thought I have in mind right now. Earlier tonight I was watching a reality game show called Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? and my baby happened to watch the part where the player gets to choose the classmate he wants to play with in the game. All 6 kids were raising their hands so did my baby. I was shocked! She wants to be picked to play too???
As in mura jud korekek ako ta bebe isa kamot waaaaaa siawan ug nakapa buhi sa akong kalag ay! Love you baby girl Deden!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Huge Blessing!

Today we received a huge blessing in the mail that came in the form of check. Although we already expected that it's gonna come in the mail soon but still it brought a surprise to me knowing that it's a huge amount extra for us. The money amounting to $1,250 is sent to us from an oil drilling company as paid up oil and gas lease for the next couple of years. God is soooo good indeed!

We've had tough times with our finances the past weeks and so this must be the exchange of such money that came out from our pocket. First my husband had to pay for my braces in full amount, then my baby got sick and visited the hospital and several doctor appointments which used up all our medical savings. Weeww thank you Lord for the blessing!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Wonderful Day To Be Thankful For

Such a fine morning when I woke up today. The weather is nice, sun was up already and I feel good although I feel a bit sore in my thighs and waist. Generally, I can rate my day a really good day so far. Thank you Lord for giving me/us another wonderful day to celebrate life!

Not only I am alive today but You also gave me two good opportunities to do and thankfully I am done doing them before my baby wakes up. I keep my fingers crossed that they are going to be accepted right away because it hurts when a big payout opp gets rejected. Finally, after a long time of not getting any paid posts from my favorite money making site, I got two today and each cost 15 bucks! Good enough to sustain my family's financial support for the next month.

I am happy now and yeah let me finish this entry now and let me go back to my fun virtual farming! By the way, thank you guys for dropping your ECs today!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pardon Me!

Pardon me if I have not updated anything here since my last post. I have been feeling sooooo lazy lately that I didn't bother writing anything to any of my 5 blogs at all. As you already know, I am into virtual farming for two months now. I guess it's not only me who got hooked up to this wonderful application on facebook. Almost all of my friends are already addicted to farming. I can't blame them, it's so much fun to do it, watching your crops grow and harvest them when the time is right.

Anyways, I'd like to share to you all my big not so grand farm today. Huh, I am talking my virtual farm eh.. lolz how I wish I own a real farm in real life so I can enjoy farming some more. This is all I can share for now and hope you all have a nice weekend.

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