Thursday, February 28, 2008

Serious? Not Anymore

I am not taking PPP seriously anymore. I have invested so much of my emotion blogging from them since I started June of last year.I had enough of them. I made quite a money from that site and I am thankful for that. I just got back from blogging and after 2 months of suspension I feel like I am a stranger to that site and not connected from them anymore.

Today, there were tons of opps that came out but I did not mind whether I can grab one or not.Honestly,I got 0 from them today but it's ok with me. I don't know..murag dili naku ganahan nila man. Come what may nalang ko ug maka grab or not..duh..keber!! Tomorrow I don't thinK I can make some money for I am going to laag ila Janine. Better to go pakals than sitting all day waiting for PPP's opps..kapoy ra..

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Big Girl

I didn't know that time has gone by over me. It has been a month and a week since Jadyn came into this world and I did not even know it. I was unaware that my baby has gained so much weight until this afternoon when I was about to change her diaper and noticed her roundish body. I thought I should take photos of her before she will grow too big.No wonder she feels heavy now when I carry her into my arms. Already, she is a big girl.Oh how I missed the used to be "newborn Jadyn".

I don't know if a month old baby or a 5 weeks old baby is still consider as a newborn? Man,times really fly so fast.I attach few photos of her that I took today,I couldn't believe how she looks now.She looks very much the same as her dad,she got almost all of her dad's features including the chin and the brown eyebrows.

Ok I think I should end this right for now because I am very sleepy now and hubby maybe waiting for me to watch a movie with him.Goodnight everyone.

Something Smelly

I noticed something is different from my baby's poop.I just changed her nappy and oh it's so ewww..just so smelly. First time smelly poop she was deficating. It probably is of the milk,we changed it from Similac Advance to Similac with Iron. I don't know if it makes a difference.

It may be also that she was not pooping the whole night and she let it all out this afternoon.What do you think it is? It was so sticky dark yellow but a very good poop.This could tell that her stomach is in good condition despite of the bad odor.

Internet Exposure

Babies and small children today are very much fortunate because even at a young age,they are now experiencing that high technology brings to us. For example the computer thing, as early as age 2 some children are very smart to use the computer.

Hmmm just like my Jadyn,she is still a baby and yet she is now expose to chatting hehehe..not long from now she would be using my computer too and will do blogging in the long run? Hope so! It will be good so I can retire from my blogging career hehe..
We were chatting at this time when I took these photos.hehehe..gonna teach her how to chit chat online...

Missing You

He's so near and yet so far! My husband oh my husband,I am missing him so much. I definitely feel the change,not that our love has changed. It is the new schedule of his job plus a new addition to our family is what makes us both busy these days. As if there'll be no more time for us to be cuddling or whatever couples usually do.

He leaves early in the morning and come home tired as he works a 10-hour job a day and me,exhausted from all the responsibilities I have here,doing it 24 hours everyday. Last night,I said to my husband that I missed him.I really do! He got speechless for my drama.

Fragile Hand

Supposed to be wordless but just want to let you know guys that this is the hand of my one month old baby girl Jadyn

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Message in A Bottle Meme

Here are the rules:

You are about to send a virtual Message In a Bottle across the Blog Ocean. Leave a message in the sand or on the bottle. Write anything you wish. Be a pirate or a poet. Serious or silly. Anonymous or not. What message would you like to send out to the universe?

Message In A Bottle Meme

1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle.

2. Right click and SAVE the blank graphic below

3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture.

4. Post the Message In a Bottle meme and your creation on your blog along with these rules.

5. Tag a minimum of 5 bloggers - or your entire blogroll - to do the same. Notify them of the tag.
I am tagging the following bloggers; Joy pinaymama, Ricka Vieves,Lady Norms,JK,Carrie,Rose,Ging2x

Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That’s a Mimism for blog + eternity.)

And my message is; "To love and be loved is life's greatest joy"


Don't you think guys that giving a precious jewelry to people close to your heart is as nice as giving them flowers? I remember 5 years ago,when my first American boyfriend came visited me to the Philippines,he gave me a a gold locket that has our pictures inside same as the one that you can see popular Gold Lockets at website.It is so pretty and love it so much.I still have it until now locked in a safe box here in our house.I am also dreaming of buying another one that is Silver Lockets to match with my other white gold set of jewelry. I always find it beautiful for lovers who give Lockets to their better half because that is romantic in my own opinion.I would rather receive lockets than flowers because it will never die nor wilted.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sad to Know...

Most of my friends in person know that my MIL does not agree with my relationship to his son eversince. My husband tried to tell his mother about me even before we met in person but he only got bad comments about me or about filipinas that is so painful.I will not tell you what she said before because it's too shameful.She is too judgemental thinking that all FILIPINOS are the same for she has had bad experience with a Pinoy guy in her life before.

Well,she just knew recently that Sandy and I are now married and having a child together.My husband sent her an e-mail telling all these recently but he did not get a reply from her. What she did,she contacted his brother and burst out her anger to him because she has a feeling that her other son knew about it and kept it secret from her.And why not? She is just full of anger and do not appreciate her son's success and happiness.

She's mad with her son because she thinks David knew about it,so what? I can only guess why she's so mad because of the fact that of all the people in the world,knowing that she's the mother of my husband is the last person to know about his son's marriage.Isn't that insulting to her part? I guess she deserves it.

Just too sad to know that despite of sending her photos of her new grandchild,she cannot or perhaps won't accept our baby Jadyn forever. Unless God will do a miracle she will learn to love her as she has her blood running in my baby's veins.

Homes for Sale in Brooklyn

If you are to look for a home to settle down,make sure to find out the real estate and the agent's name first,compare prices,the location or the neighborhood to where the house of your dream located. If you are in the New York area and is looking for a perfect home, try looking for a sample model you like at The Real Estate Book.It is a nationally and internationally recognized brand.Click here to look for homes in Brooklyn Homes for Sale and also to find out homes for foreclosure,finding out how much your home is worth as well,it is not a problem because this website can give you the right amount instantly and quickly,last but not the least,you can get a free experian credit report and score.

You may want to explore the website for yourself to start looking for houses.You can do your search just by entering the City,State or Zip Code.Browse now.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Must Love Dogs

Look at the photo attached.That is my husband.I could say he has a passion for loving dogs because I witnessed how he mourn when Giza died 2 months ago.When we lost her,I mourned and cried silently too,only I did not show it to my husband but I was hurt. Before having my baby,I used to feel alone and lonely so I kept bugging him to get me a new dog, I prefer a puppy because its just a cutie.So he got me one and we named her Chicha--that's how my husband call her but I like Chichai as my preference.Aren't they looking sweet in this photo?

Tagged by Rojoy

*Copy this entire list of questions and change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then tag and pass it along to other blogging friends. Let’s see how well we can get to know one another!

1. What is your occupation? - fulltime babysitter and housekeeper

2. What color are your socks right now? - I am bare foot right now.

3. What are you listening to right now? - listening to my baby's straining and groaning

4. What was the last thing that you ate? - ginisang kangkong,rice and orange and kinilaw

5. Can you drive a stick shift? - Sorry never tried, so I guess the answer is no.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?- blue

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? -Mama

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? -I really don't know her that well but yeah glad to get to know her.

9. Favorite drink? - lemonade

10. What is your favorite sport to watch? - I really don't have any favorite sports.

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? - Yup just one time.

12. Dog named - Chichai

13. Favorite food? - ice cream cake, cheese cake, and pinoy foods

14. Last movie you watched? - Stargate

15. Favorite Day of the year? - Holidays this is usually that family will get together.

16. What do you do to vent anger? - listen to cool and soothing sounds.

17. What was your favorite toy as a child? - rusted tin cans

18. What is your favorite, fall or spring? - both,so nice is the temp during those seasons

19. Hugs or kisses? - I want both.
20. What kind of pie? - Apple pie

21. Do you want your friends to email you back? - Of course if ever I want to keep in touch with them.

22. Who is most likely to respond?- Usually all of them only if they are not busy.

23. Who is least likely to respond? - I don't know, not paying attention.

24. Living arrangements? - Live with my family.

25. When was the last time you cried? - after giving birth,tears of joy!

26. What is on the floor of your closet? - shoes,shoes and shoes

27. Who is the friend you have had the longesest that you are sending this to? - none

28. The friend you have known the shortest amount of time that you are sending this to? - none

29. Favorite smell? - lalabs' armpit

30. What inspires you? - My family.

31. What are you afraid of? - I'm afraid of losing the ones I love

32. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? - Cheese burger

33. Favorite car? - akong car car

34. Favorite cat breed? - have no idea/clue when it comes to cats

35. Number of keys on your key ring? - 5

36. How many years at your current job? - a month

37. Favorite day of the week? - weekend

38. How many provinces have you lived in? - too many to count

39. How many countries have you been to? - 2, Philippines and US

human growth hormones

Keeping our skin look supple is a must for us to be looking young and good not just for other people but for ourselves as well. Eating healthy everyday,taking exercise and vitamins are just one of the many ways to be physically fit and mentally active.With all these,we cannot prevent our body from aging.Therefore,when we reach the age of 40,wrinkles start to show off in different parts of the body. This is because human growth hormones decreases as we grow older and for that we do not want to look old but keep our young self as possible.Speaking of hormones,you can now buy hgh in pharmacy. One of the best example using hgh is Sylvester Stallone is the most famous person using HGH to increase feeling wellbeing, strength, energy, improve mood etc. HGH can be found both as HGH releasers and medical HGH.

If you are very meticulous with your body and conscious when it comes to personal appearance,you might want to try to buy hgh. This is not just for celebrities or popular people you know? If you think you can afford or have enough budget for it,then go ahead.After all,it is you can benefit that human growth hormones bring to your system. Who knows you perhaps can attract your lover once again.

Nice Matters

I believe I have been awarded with nice matters award before and then again today was given the same award by Rose. I would like to thank you this girl because I am all out of words now.It has taken hours though before my day has been real busy.Even I am making this entry right,I have my baby with me typing in one hand.Haaahhh what a life!!!

I could Cry

My back is hurting from whole day of laag yesterday. It's been hurting since last night until now still is. I am like this if I am too stressed from doing something and couldn't rest right away. How can I rest if there's too many things to do before having time for myself?

We went to the Asian market yesterday,about 35 minutes drive from here and took us an hour before I could finish our shopping. Then after that we went to bed bath and beyond to buy for covers for the sofa because our dog has been scratching it and lalabs is afraid that chichai would damage it one day. There are a lot of good things to see in that store so instead of buying just one time,we end up spending almost 3oo bucks.

Just can't resist not buying things for household.It took us an hour or so before we could go out bed bath and beyond that makes me so sore and really tired.When we got home,I couldn't rest,I had to cook for our dinner and wash the dirty dishes,arrange the stuff that's in the plastic bags plus I had a baby to take care of.

Too tired as if I could cry.I couldn't go to bed until 9 pm.I can no longer do any move at that time because too exhausted already.

Unfriendly At Night

I'm just a poor little mommy wishing for atleast 5 or 7 hours of sleep at night. This is impossible to happen I know with a baby around,geezzzz...I wake up every 3 hours feeding her,she doesn't cry but coos a lot that is so noisy. waking up 3 times every night can be so tiring but no one would attend my baby if I would just ignore her.Daddy? naks sleeping and snoring.

In my thoughts,my baby is so unfriendly at night for letting me wake up few times where it is best to sleep and rest.I am not complaining alright? Just talking what's real here.Here she is right now,crying wanting...can you guess? I just fed her and she never get contented of what I gave her!!

best buy

I am loving life in America.I should say I am being spoiled for the comfort and convenience it has to offer.As if we can get almost everything we need here from food,wants,clothings,electronics and hightech gadgets.Amazingly,they have specific stores of stuff that is for home and improvement,grocery and specialty shops,fashion and most all electronics like the computer,digital and moving cameras all these can be bought just around the neighborhood or online.

One of our favorite places to shop is best buy because they sell really good quality gadgety things. I remember there is the same store but differnt company which is their competition was closed because they cannot keep up best buy. The theme is "one can always find a best buy at" that I agree for 100%.This online store offers really marked down prices.So if you are going to shop at their web store,you can get and save bucks.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

First Smile is Seen

Good morning pretty people from all over the world. I am just so happy and proud here to say that I've seen my baby's first smile.I mean this is her first smile when she is awake.I've seen her giving me sweet grins but sleeping,they say when babies do that,gihagwa daw sila sa anghel.

Seeing my Jadyn smiling and looking pretty is just so priceless! Wow hmmm there is nothing more precious than having a beautiful baby with a dashing smile in such a beautiful morning like right now!!! I must keep this moment a treasure for it's my baby's first smile.

Too unfortunate thoug that it happened so quick and was not able to take snap of her.Have a good day guys and enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Babysitting of Two

What a lonely world America is. I just went outside for fresh air. I brought with me my two babies. It is so pretty nice outside,not hot and not cold either. Just the average temperature for a woman from a tropical country like the Philippines.

We were sitting at the neighbors platform facing to our porch for it has some shade there.I was having fun watching my baby puppy running here and there like a horse enjoying herself alone.We sat outside for almost an hour and I bet that was enough for our lungs to have some fresh air. Doing that reminds me of our country Pinas though it will be so impossible for us to sit and relax without someone else to accompany us.There has to be any silingan to make some tabi tabi or chismis with us.

I took a photo of me and my baby while watching chichai playing.Hmm nothing fancy,just my natural self in an ordinary day like today.I am babysitting here for 2,anyone is welcome to leave their babies with me.

digital framez

How do you like compiling your sweet and selected photos to a digital photo frame? This is neat because you can get the clarity and high resolution of the picture that you took in a specific occasion.You can check out for digital photo frame on their website at It is an Australian company so it must be good and of high quality.I have a baby and she is only a month old and yet I got tons of photos of her already. I would love to have some of it to be displayed in a digital frame so I can get to preserve the best picture of her while she is young.I know babies can grow quickly and I do not want to miss a single milestone of her so everything needs to be captured by my camera.She is still so young but has been exposed to cameras.Funny like a celebrity baby huh? It is just that her mom loves taking photos of her baby.

Clumsy Me

I started out my Wednesday at 7 o'clock this morning by doing the Wordless Wednesday.I had to get up early because my baby asked for milk and I was hungry too.7 for me is too early to be getting up but I intend not to go back to bed because I am too excited to do my rounds for WW participants.

I went through tons of blogs already spreading my WW entries too before I knew it I kept giving them wrong urls that resulted to webpage error once they click on my links.Whatta clumsy me,didn't check it before I've gone too far. Imagine you're working hard and it turned out that you gain nothing from it because of ...kadanghag.I felt very devastated after that because I had to start all over again.

Here I am now,worn out from my own kabuang! Good thing that my baby is fast asleep at the moment or else I'll go nuts!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gotta grab something to Eat

Awsss aws I am so hungry and starving to death. I have my grits cooked from last night but I don't know what to cook to match with it. There is plenty of stuff in the freezer but I am not in the mood of cooking this morning. I just want to have an instant breakfast for I am not done with my computer thing yet.

Hmm let me think,hotdog and egg could make a quick and easy breakfast don't you think? I don't understand why my stomach wanting some food now while in fact I just had my snack 3 hours ago.I normally don't eat my breakfast until 12 or past 1 just because I don't get hungry at all and this morning my stomach is kind of upset and I already deficated so could be the reason why I'm hungry again.Ok got to go now,need to eat and feed my hungry worms inside.

let's talk about wedding

February is the month known for being the love month,it is when lovers most celebrate their love for each other on Valentine's day and they think that it is the best time for them to be united as one through a wedding ceremony. Oh how good it is to finally get married and live with your loved one.I remember during my time,I was so excited of own wedding.Lots of things to do,I was so busy that I even take everything seriously that I dream of it. It was almost 4 years ago and feels like I just got married with my husband whom so dear to me. It was just like yesterday you know? And now I still cannot believe that it's been quite a long time since we got married.

Are you guys wanting to get married soon and need some tips,advice about wedding? Why not try visiting this wedding website to know where to start preparing your wedding? We all know that wedding planning takes a lot of is here to help you with that.There is no need to stress yourself out because they have everything you need to read in there.This website is absolutely focusing only about weddings.You can find there wedding upcoming events as well as you can also do a one click on the states where you are to know the wedding planning guide and start planning. Oh another thing about the website is that Wedding Registry 2.0: And Wishpot Join Forces to Offer First Social Networking Wedding Registry Seattle, WA -- December 18, 2007 announced today.To read more of this just visit their website and read the press located at the right side of the front page.

One thing I can say is that plan your wedding atleast 5 months ahead of time so you can do a thorough preparation for your big day.If you want perfection then you must do it because it is important to create a sweet and memorable wedding of your life.We only get wed once so better make it beautiful.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Am I Still Married?

Good day to all my stalkers in this blog.I hope you will have a nice and safe Monday everyone.

"Are You Still Married?" strange question to be asking,isn't it? I didn't comprehend why my husband asked me this question while he kiss me goodbye before going to work this morning.My initial reaction was crossing my eyebrows and ask "why?".He replied,"your husband is not here anymore". And I utter quickly,well you are just busy.

Sunday is his first day of working for the week now since he changed his work schedule.It was his first day yes but it was a long day for him.He normally come home at 8:30 in the evening but last night he was very late.He had 4 hours over time,imagine working for 10 hours a day and you get to stay in your job for another 4 hours.How tiring it can be? He was working on the paper work for an accident,a drunk driving accident caused by uninsured,no responsibility Mexican idiot .It was other officer's work supposedly but for some reason he had to do it and delay himself from coming home to rest. Since he was so tired,after his shower he went to bed right away and we only talked for 3 minutes and we sleep.We barely had time for each other last night.

This morning,he left early for work again.I thought he was gonna take atleast a day off today because he worked late last night,and no he needed to go to work at the usual time. So you see why the title above is like that? Pretty busy life a policeman can have sometimes that cannot be avoided. So when he asked me if I am still married,I just said, of course! You are busy and I understand that!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Jadyn is a Month Old Today

Photobucket Do you guys remember the big day when I gave birth to my baby? It was on the 16th of January and the date today is 16.Yeyyyyy my baby is now a month old.She's showing progress now and colic can be felt since the past days. Anyways,I am not alarmed for this because I know it's just normal for babies,it will disappear in 12 to 14 weeks time.

However,I can truly say she's a good girl even if she does cry so loud when wanting some milk. Cheers for it's already a month long for her.I am looking forward for more months to come of her life as a baby.I am sure I'm gonna miss those days where trouble for changing diapers and feeding her was experienced.

My baby is kinda strange because each time I feed her with my breastmilk,she suck it right away and get choked when she can't keep up with the milk flowing.Also when using the bottle,she keep it dripping so when I give her 8 ounces of formula expect half of it to be wasted in the cloth. Awss gotta go and stop this now..she's crying aloud now..naks wanting some more milk from me..

exterior lighting

Add elegance to your home by adding some lightings to it.I know a certain online store for exterior lighting where you can shop for wall lanterns,hanging fixture,landscape lighting and so many other forms of lighting. Experience shopping for home lighting with elegance,value and safety with proper outdoor lighting at with them gives you a great deal,saves you time and effort and money. This store is good for shopping exterior lighting for home landscaping, gardening and more.Check their online store now and let me know if you find anything that might be of interest to you.Let me see if this brings smile to your face,ok?

Nice Experience

I should say my joining to photohunt thingy was a success.I am liking it and so I am planning of joining wordless Wednesday to gain more bloggers and increase traffic.My main reason why I join this is that inorder to explore other people's blogs and writings,this way,I can learn from them and also gain friends.

I am amazed by the number of bloggers today.I thought blogging was just nothing but seeing that there are actually thousands of us now,I believe it's a serious career that most people who know how to use internet are making it as a source of income and a sort of hobby.

Friday, February 15, 2008

This week's Theme is FREE

It is my first time to join this photohunt thingy and I hope that I will be accepted as one of the participants in photohunt.

I found this picture in my online album to be nice and thought of posting it today as FREE as today's theme. I suppose we are all FREE to do whatever we want to do as long as it won't harm other people.I am free to dream as a model,free to be happy and most of all free to be me. So here I am striking a pose freely at a Victoria's Secret store when we went out for a stroll with friends. Let me know what you think of this guys!!


Thursday, February 14, 2008


It's a heart's day today.What do you plan guys? Today is the perfect time to show love to your husband/wife,mother,father,siblings,friends and all the people in the world.Forget about war,grudge and any sour feelings instead be thankful that you are surrounded with so much love in this world and all you have to do is spread it to them especially to the ones around you.Let them know how much you love them before it's too late.
I got an award from Joy for VD and so I am passing this to Sweetlullaby,Annie,Ivy,Janine,Rose,Ritchella,Darlene,CC,Andycharry,Carrie,Mizz J and JK. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY GUYS!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Courtesy of Ivy Sterling

Look at the wonderful creations of Ivy Sterling.She sent me these this morning without my knowledge she created a scrapping of my baby's photos. I was surprised at how she beautifully made these things for my baby.Thank you so much Ives for you never ceased surprising me.

pc help

When it comes to computer troubleshooting my husband cannot be relied on to this because he doesn't know anything about it.I am glad I found an online pc help that could be in rescue to me when I have problems of my pc in the future.Like today,I do not have a clue as to why my mouse stop working.I used it last night as if it was new working so fine.And when I turned on my laptop this morning,my wireless mouse just boom went crazy.

It is always nice to read,explore online you know because not only you will learn but also find useful information about computer repair which is very essential for every individual to know to avoid paying too much when they have a computer problem. I for one,need to know the basics of computer repair because I don't like the idea of bringing the pc outside and have others repair it for me. If you are wise and would want to save,do refer this useful website so you can learn from them also.

So Sorry Baby

I woke up not so long ago kinda moody because I have not gotten enough sleep last night.My baby was always groaning and crying a little bit that disturbs me plus she woke up every after an hour and a half which is very disturbing for me because I need to wake up too.

I fed her,changed diaper but still doing the same thing that made me kind of pissed.I hate it when I want to sleep and couldn't get it,really makes my mood turn sour.At dawn,she's awake again but I was not that moody anymore and trying to realize what was going on with her. Probably the reason why she was colicky because she is congested and I didn't even know it.

Upon knowing that,I felt guilty and so sorry for her.Here I am complaining about her being awake too often but did not even know that she was not feeling well ug namundak pako maayo kay suko lagi.Poor baby!! She is an overall pretty nice baby you know..I am lucky for that.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Beef Soup

I burn my tongue of the hot beef soup right now.I can't resist not to attack it as soon as it is done cooking because it's been days now since I had my last soup. I hunger for it so I decided to make some beef soup for me this afternoon. I already had a small bowl of it and yet still can't get enough of it.

Just so yummy and oh so good. My friends advice me to make some beef soup once I have my baby because it has nutrients in it that help for the development of baby's brain.Not only it does good for my baby but the thought of me being a soup addict,hmmm who would not want it?

international plastics

Help mother nature by start saving plastics now.Throw your garbage in a proper place as well as recycle them if possible.This is just a simple way to be a good individual in this world. Speaking of plastics,I find Reclosable Bags to be a convenient way to use in the household to store foods and important things because it makes the freshness stay and can go for days without damaging your belongings.Using plastic bags are just so cool because I tend to reuse them.We do have a small place and there is not much space to be roaming around and so I need to have bigger storage to help us save space here. I need plastic bags that is in high quality,durable and most of all dependable in all weather changes because I don't want our things to be damaged.

For solid and durable plastic bags,please check it out on the website and learn from the maker of it brought to you by company is the industry leader for custom plastic bags.Interested enough to know more about it? Take a tour of the site and hope you like it there.

Great Pretender Baby

Finally my baby is snoring now.Been fighting with her for couple hours before I could put her into deep slumber.She's just so funny and love teasing mommy so much that it tested my patience to her. She just want to suck milk all the time and close her eyes pretending to be asleep while she's in my arms.

As soon as she closes her eyes I put her down right away because she's getting heavy you know plus how can I do my blogging if she's with me? It doesn't take 5 minutes for her after being put in bed then she cries.Argssss it happens several times and I really thought she was sleeping but then nagbuka pa ang utok sa kanahan. A great pretender that's what she is.

I can tell when she's really sleeping,like right now,she's snoring making sounds like that of a growling puppy.I assure you,she is really in a dreamland now weeewww..blogging galore na ako!

weight loss

Are you struggling in today's deadly problem,obesity? Tired of getting to the gym and seeing no result? How about taking dietary pills? Isn't it effective and is desperate enough to have a lap band surgery? If you are in Kansas then this might be a good news for you because there is now available a lap band kansas that you can go to.This could be performed by Dr.Stephen Malley,he has performed more LAP-BAND system procedures than anyone in the region, helped design the center to cater to the needs of their patients in a comfortable setting that utilizes all of the latest technology. The center is unlike any other weight-loss surgery center in the region. See the dramatic result of losing weight.Be yourself again because there is never too late for that.Visit them now.

This company has developed a comprehensive program for valued people like you to fully attain success in weight loss by attending some of their educational seminars,advice and a whole lot more.They understand that our life can be busy at times so they are doing a big favor for you.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Been Fortunate

I could say I have been so fortunate lately for having fair opps from other sites.In fact,I was having difficulty keeping up with them and just save the rest in the next days because when I start doing my opps the baby would start to cry or I get hungry. I am working on it now and it's so relieving finishing them all today.

Oh I still have one low payout waiting to be posted but just have to wait until tomorrow I guess. Hope when I open the internet again there'll be another batch of opps waiting for me the next day.Thanks God for this even if there's no PPP at least I am still making some money,not much though but still thankful for it.

They Deserve to have Some Fresh Air

It was cloudy and kind of gloomy here today but it wasn't cold though it was windy.The temperature was just fair enough for us to enjoy outside. I took my two babies outside so they can have some fresh air,they deserve it and I too. It feels suffocating just staying inside the house all day everyday you know?

Chichai,baby number one,the puppy enjoyed running here and there.It was a lot of fun watching her enjoying herself indeed.I was carrying my baby number 2,Jadyn and walk a little bit in our front yard trying to get her some sun. Wish temperature will always be friendly like today so I could bring them outside often.Feels so good when we got back inside!!!

drug rehab

Addiction is one of the society's problem.A lot of people get into drugs mostly teenagers,adults and even oldies. Once you try it for the first time then you can never say no to it once you get hooked up to drugs.Speaking of that,if you know anyone looking for a drug rehab let be of help to you.With passion and trusted staff,surely your loved ones will be in good hands and under proper care by professionals.It is never too late to seek help for addicts,as long as there is life,there is hope for them.

At Drug Rehab Sunset Malibu, their rehab center offers the most gentle and effective alcohol detox, drug addiction treatment and depression treatment. Their caring, nurturing staff is well equipped to handle the needs of anyone suffering from the ills of eating disorders, pain killer addiction, or substance abuse. We are one of the top California drug rehab centers supplying the best in addiction recovery, as well as drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Our little Chichai

Eventhough this little puppy we have poops and pee everywhere,there are some instances that we just love to cuddle her.Oh not just rarely she sit on our lap and watch a movie with us but she's always there every night we sit in our sofa and watch the movie. She is getting heavier and bigger now,becoming more livelier each day. Chewing,biting and playing alot are just the activities she enjoy so much.

My husband takes her when he goes to shower and they both enjoy the warm water together as he arrives home from work.Sounds sweet right? Lalabs takes care of the puppy and I'll be the one to look after our human baby.I do fix chichai's mess too!

tough year financially

It is not just the year 2008 that is tough when it comes to financial situation but last year and the previous before 2007 was a crisis from all over the world.Therefore,people often go somewhere to ask some help and that the only way they can get some extra money is through loans. With the country potentially heading for a recession, how are you planning to ride the rough times? mortgages for houses and cars are also very common for us to have but that is fine because normal people have something to pay when they earn.

When you earn something,you expect it that there has to be something that you spend your money to.Show me someone that has no credit or loans? I believe everybody has its own reason why they borrow some money.Before doing that,make sure though that you can pay for what owe to someone because not paying the debt or even its interest could lead you to something that is no good.I have heard people killing themselves because they are too drown and way too behind paying their bills.

My Jadyn Likes the Warm Water

I bathe my baby just few minutes ago and she is getting used to the warm water in her body.T'was her third time being in the tub and enjoying the water that I give and she didn't cry.The first and second baths were kind of cool for her,she cried but not long though. My baby is really good,she waited for me until I get done with her before she can had her milk as I had to put some lotion all over her body first then clean the nose and ears,put on her gloves and socks etc. Thanks goodness after having just 2 ounces of milk she's now peacefully sleeping.And here I am in the computer.

Very good girl.Yesterday wasn't as good as today because she just cried moments later after feeding her until early dawn today. I don't know why but could be her new attitude for she's growing big now.


For all skilled workers especially those who work in woods.Here is for you,a website that has woodworking tools you need is selling one of the most essential tool a man needs,festool.Not only that,they also have various woodworking tools you might need.Visit them on their website and browse for clamps,air tools and nailers,cutting tools,cordless tools and many others.Those are just a few tool I mention here. Check out also how you can get a free shipping on dewalt and delta.You can either shop for tools by manufacturer or machinery by manufacturer.Take a tour now.

Ehermm Another Award

Since I gave birth,I feel nothing about myself but the ugliest of the ugliest.I feel that I am deformed all over.Now,I am thankful and flattered that Rose,a dear friend is giving me this sexiest body award because she makes me feel better now.Hehehe thanks so much for this day and keep all those awards coming.

I am giving this to people I've known the sexiest Joy Luttrull,Pinaymama,SwitzPhils,Sweet Lullaby,JK and Rea

Blog of the Month

Huh!! wow here it comes..weeewwww another amazing blog award.It's much more classy this time,guess it's a blog of the month award was given to me by Avee..thanks for this so much gurl.Hmmm such a pride for having awards lately.Feels good,simply heart melting of you to give me such nice awards guys.Keep all those comin' ok?

Going to pass this to Darlene,Rose,Annie,Ivy,Mizz J and Carrie

corporate performance management

I do not know anything about managing a business.I have not tried working in a corporate world either but as far as I know inorder for a firm or management to keep running it needs a good leader to handle everything including those very sensitive and serious matters of the business. One thing is for sure,a certain establishment do need corporate performance management.Visit prophix to read how proud they as a recipient of the 2007 Innovative Solution Award for Corporate Performance Management
Corporate Performance Management (CPM).What does CPM do? It enables an organization to understand, act on and influence its business performance through software, processes and measures of business success - metrics and key performance indicators.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Feel Sorry for Her

In my other blog,there is this loser who reacted to my mag my pic post of my baby and telling me that my daughter is not cute and looks like a boy.That's her opinion and I don't care much of it at all. I am proud of having my own trophy and I will brag her to the whole world for she's from my own blood and flesh and I am very very happy I have her in this world.

I have been wanting a baby and I am just so blessed I was granted one by God.Matches her name Jadyn means "God Has Heard". I've been praying for a baby and yes,He gave me one,my little Jadyn guapa kaayo!! Palag?

Atlanta Apartment

If you are planning to move in Atlanta and that you are looking for apartment to stay.Here is for you check out Atlanta Apartments and compare prices.It's a good deal to always have inquiry before settling down so you can look for less.Also to really look the cheapest to the most expensive flat why not refer to this link? apartment guide for complete list of available space to rent.Thousands of apartments listed on this search engine.Their map-based and keyword searches deliver results fast with photos, tours, floor plans and more. It is easy to refine your search whether you are looking to be near a college, military base or where you work.This is very helpful to you because it narrows down your search to really make it convenient for you to find a perfect place to move.You can search from all over United States,just enter the zip code and the state where you want to start a new life.

Friday, February 8, 2008

14 days more...

14 days more before I can blog again in PPP.2 months suspension seem too long to wait,thankful though that I have now my baby because she keeps me busy night and day.Tiring as it is but this is what I wanted.I have no right to complain or murmur here.

I surely gonna miss those days when I am all alone in this house,sleeping,blogging,chatting and eating was all I could do.Now,it would be a miracle for me to take a nap for a short while during day time because so many things to do plus the baby..arggsss.

roller shades

Women of the household love to decorate the house so it will be pleasant to live and inviting for visitors to come over. We women,love to also take part of the beautification of different rooms in our house,right? Putting up roller shades not only help save energy because it keeps the sun rays directly point inside it also gives the nice look of the interior. You can depend on the latest techonology that these roller shades are made of.You will be assured that the products you can buy from are dependable than ever.It have been improved with other systems such as a continuous looped cord, which gives you more control and flexibility than ever.


Whoaa I have a slight headache right now. It's been a busy day for us today.We ran hurriedly to my OB's office and as usual took us hours before we can totally get out of their office.Then we drove to best buy looking for that memory chip for hubby's voice recorder.It was passed my lunchtime when we were still out there because after best buy we head directly to the post office and mail some photos of my baby for the people of the Philippines to see.

It might be the cause of my headache.It was too late before I can finally eat my lunch.Plus I did not eat much my breakfast this morning.Only a little because I was out of time and we were in a hurry.

breaking the habit

I saw one of the blogging sites later this afternoon that they were giving away opps.I was shocked because I don't normally catch them with opps to do.At the time I refresh the page my baby was sucking milk from me and it shows that the website has opps,I quickly stop the suction and lay my baby down so I can grab those opps coming out.

Poor is the baby,she had no choice but obey her momma.I somehow manage to grab only 2 of them though because it's all gone when I'm done posting the second of a blogger,you can never know when or how to make money unless you wait patiently.

best credit cards

We all have different bank preference in which we can apply for best credit cards. Of course the best thing we are looking for especially it is our first time is whether the bank can offer us the best service,best rates and offerings.Speaking of credit cards,I think I found to be good because they constantly monitor the credit card markets and brings its users only the best credit cards. If this interests you,find out about them on their website now and apply for the best credit cards.They are also happy to announce that its credit card portal has become easier and better to use.You should be happy to know about it because you can view 100 credit cards then compare and apply the best credit cards which you think is the best.I hope this catches your interests because it truly is good for you when it comes to looking for new credit cards to use.

Music to my Ears

Wow my baby is such an amazing baby. She's right here beside me fast asleep. It's just so wonderful how this very young person sleeping so peacefully and take note,she's snoring.Sounds so cute as if she's a big person..may pa snore effect pa!

Hearing her snore is just like listening to my favorite songs,really. A mother's wish is to have her baby comfortable and most of all,resting and getting all the sleep she needs so she will grow fast. Man,how I wish I was a baby so I can sleep too.I have been sleep deprived since she was born and I am sick of not getting rest at night.

Last night I couldn't help but say bad words while keeping awake attending to my baby,the fact of being worn out plus she was pooping on my top made me do it.Sorry baby namalikas ko,I didn't mean to.It just that am really really tired now.I hope that she will sleep at night too so mommy can rest as well.

cars tips and tricks

My husband is so into cars that he can never stop working his cars if it doesn't get dark outside.In fact,he's out there right now,waxing his porsche.He's been working on it since it arrived here. Speaking of cars,I would want car enthusiasts to visit RC Cars Tips and Tricks for tips,hints,advice and many more interesting things that you can read about in this website.I just visited this website and just by reading some of the blog postings,I am pretty sure,my husband would love to keep this to his favorites for future reference if something minor is wrong with his cars.

I never knew that there is really a specific website that we can go to especially for cars.I am so glad I found it and would be my pleasure to tell RC Cars Tips and Tricks to him.I know it would be a lot of fun for him because you know his passion is car.

Cool Cat Meoww

Isn't it nice to have people around always giving you an award? I got another one today from JK.The cool cat award is just so cool to my heart and cannot resist but pass it on to my fellow fellas. Get it people; Ivy,Annie,Ritchella,Rose,Rea,Darlene and Ana.

To JK, thank you so much for this friend.Hmmm keep all those awards and meme comin' doing them all! Happy Day to all of you guys.Sorry been busy here and not much exciting going on...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The First Grandchild and Great Grandchild

There is no exact word to describe how people in the Philippines, especially my parents feel toward my Jadyn. She is their first grandchild and pretty sure they cannot wait to see her coming.

My Jadyn is also the first great grandchild of my grandmother on father's side.Yes,she got too many grandchildren already but I am the first one who got married and bear a child.

Wowww it's gonna be a big celebration when the final day for us to visit my family,hopefully later this year or early next year.I just have to cross finger with that as I anxiously anticipating for the day to show off my Jadyn to the whole Lapu-lapu City.

Smashed down Poop

I could say my husband is so alert when it comes to picking up poop or cleaning pee of our puppy. It is so difficult having two babies around. Our puppy is still a child,that is his reason why chichai poop and pee everywhere and do it anytime she wants to. She is so small and yet so big annoyance for us. She pissed me off when I'm in a hurry and chichai is there in my feet trying to play with my pants or keeping herself on my way that makes me step on her.

Last night,I don't know how to react when I stepped one of her fresh poops right outside the bedroom door.I totally smashed it down!! I did not notice it until I felt that my slippers were kind of sticky,I checked it there it goes,POOP!! I yell for help from Lalabs and he told me to look everywhere first before could I do that if the hallway was dark and I did not expect the poop to be he end up cleaning the mess that chichai make.Poor lalabs.

Monday, February 4, 2008


HAPPY HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY ESMAEL my dear little bro Adong.It's already the 5th of the Philippines right now so this post is just good,not late not too early!!! I wish to see you growing to be a good boy Adong. Don't worry Ate will be there soon and I'll buy you lots of toys and a cake for you!! I attach a photo of him taken last year on his birthday.See how happy he was when he as about to blow his candle..I can't imagine his happiness is just so shallow and simple.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pinaymama's award

Huh xxtraordinary blog award? So nice and yum yum.I got tagged by Joy Hardy with this one.Wow each day different blog award I thanks for this Joy...passing this to Rose,Annie,Ivy and Ritchella...

Whose Birthday Is Up?

I remember around this time last year I was on my vacation in the Philippines. Perfect timing for my little brother's 4th birthday. He was so happy because his big sister Ate An2x(me) was there to buy him a whole piece of birthday cake. How I missed my younger siblings back home and wishing to be there on his birthday which is coming up on February 5th. 3 days more and it's going to be his 5th birthday.

For you my little brother ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY.Ate loves you so much and missed you Adong!!! Going to see you sooner with Jadyn! Just always be a good boy to mama and papa and to Ate Alex!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Valentine's Award

Wow I thought it was too early for me to receive this from Carrie and I realized that it is already Fwb. 2nd. How thoughtful of her for giving me this.Thanks so much Carrie for a never ending wonderful awards. I am hitting other friends for this too namely;Ivy,Joy Luttrull,Pinaymama,Ricka,Annie,Rose,Maureen,Recel,Darlene and Mizz Juliana. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.

Friday, February 1, 2008

My Baby Got Poked Again

In continuation of my previous entry,we went to the hospital where she was born ok? It is recommended for new borns to return to the hospital after two weeks for a certain screening test,I forgot what the test in particular.

She got poked on her little foot again today but the nurse there was so gentle and finished her job quickly so that wasn't much of a torture for our baby.I always love the Baylor's staff because they have this compassion to their patients.Unlike Cook's children Hospital,naks as if they are just doing their job and have no emotions involve..not at all and I didn't like it there.

logo pens

You own a company and want to give it a name that will become a household word? Why not try have your company's name printed or make logo pens out it for give aways? You can possibly do it at PENSRUS.Check them out for extensive collection of quality pens for your ideal product. You can choose which brand to hve your business logo in either brands like Parker,BIC and Paper Mate.You choose,you decide,let PENSRUS do the job for you which is creating logo pens for you in affordable prices.Here is how it works,you just have to choose a color to to complement your business logo and add fun features such as a built-in caribiner clip for outdoor enthusiasts or even light-up pens, perfect for jotting things down in the dark.

Busy Day for Us

Not much of an update here today huh? We started our day as early as 9 o'clock heading to 3 appointments for OB,Pediatrician and Hospital visits today.We went to my OB first supposedly for my stitches but as to our dismay the office did not inform us that our appointment will be next Friday.So we were there,sitting waiting to be called like stupid only to find out that we're gonna be meeting the doctor. If we only knew we could have rested and stayed in for several hours for our pediatrician appointment is at 1 o'clock.

Pissed me off...we went to Sam's Club instead and bought big packages of wet wipes and diapers for our little one and some grocery stuff..t'was so tiring and as I walk I felt like the world is floating..whoaa dizzy me...

land property for sale

Good thing I know a particular company that sells property specifically,the land for I remember that my husband told me once before that his friend,also a policeman is looking for some big land to buy because he is planning to have a pet center business when he retires. Now I found land for sale Branson which is of course like a coincidence for me.Wit this,I am going to tell him about this company so he can look it up and see if he likes the deal he can get from here.Branson real estate is not only for homes or villages but as well as land,uhuh I never knew that.If you are interested in buying a property,please visit them now.Just go to the link directly and it should bring you to their website.

Having a Dream?

My baby is having her deep sleep while she suddenly cried real loud as if something is wrong with her.I ran to her quickly and calm her by tapping her back softly and thanks goodness she calm down and went back to sleep.

No worries though because it is just normal for babies to cry when sleeping..naks there she goes again..mura naay nangaway kalit lang pyait.She really has very sharp tone when she cry that it hurts to your ears.Hayyyy...gotta do another thing here..ciao

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