Monday, October 29, 2007

Our Dog Is Sick

It's so sad to know that our only companion,a good pet and a loyal friend Giza, is sick. Lalabs' brought her to the clinic today and found out that she is dying with cancer in the stomach.Not sure which organ is affected but we noticed something strange is happening to her lately.

She became lazy and weak,no apetite to eat her food and always want to just lie down on her pads. It saddened me because this is the time that I need her the most to walk around the neighborhood but can no longer do it. One time I remember when I tried bringing her she was so lazy and just lie down in the middle of the street.It scared me because what if there's a car passing by and hit her? I don't want to be blamed for this you know?

Poor is the dog Giza,I hope she get well soon.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Jadyn at 4 Months

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First sonogram of my baby that is to really make sure that there's a fetus inside me,this was taken about when I was 4 months preggy. Such a joy to see her swimming making different moves inside my belly that brought me to tears. First time sonogram yes...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Coffee? Never Again

I don't drink much coffee though I really like the sweet blend taste with milk and honey or sugar. It's been quite a long time since I had my last coffee. Yesterday morning,I tried pouring a small amount of coffee into my cup with milk of course because it's so tempting.

Never would I thought that the effect of coffee on me is that bad.I knew it that once I drink coffee during day time it's not gonna give me good effect at night. I wasn't thinking about that yesterday,really. The result? Here,I am only got few hours of sleep since I went to bed at 11 pm.Couldn't barely sleep and my little girl inside me moved and woke me up at 5 am. couldn't get back to sleep either and finally at 6:30 am I got up,get online and sip a cup of milk.

Hayyy its still dark right here and feeling cranky.I just have to go back to sleep later...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Diamond Hoops Earrings

diamond hoop earrings from hubby
My husband surprised me with these ones on the day of our 3rd wedding anniversary.He gave me diamond hoops earrings which I have been longing to have. He never really ceased making me happy.He's so sweet and I love him very much! Last year,he bought me a car as his gift for our second wedding anniversary but only drove it for a few times during my practice driving.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary

Celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary yesterday,October 16,2007. Hubby took a day off only to celebrate this day with me.So sweet and thoughtful of him to do that.He listen to me when I ask him if he can perhaps not go to work on our anniversary and he did it.
We went to Flying Fish seafood restaurant.It is my favorite place to eat and I am the one who chose where to go and he just follow what I say. So,our celebration was just so simple and quiet.After dining out,we head home and I do my computer,he does his own on tv.Later in the evening we watched a movie together and that is how we ended our day.

I am looking forward for more happy and joyous years together as we anticipate for more wedding anniversaries of course together with our kids.This is going to be our last year of being alone together,next year will be different since I am expecting a child in January.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wedding Anniversary

Today is October 16 marked the significant day of two lives joined together as husband and wife last 2004 solemnized by the judge that took place in Bellavista Hotel,Lapu-lapu City.

It is our 3rd wedding Anniversary today and I am happy to know we have gone this far. I am counting for more anniversaries to come hopefully with our kids.May this relationship of ours last forever and be blessed with love and joyful years as married couple.

For the Sanborn couple,cheers to both of us! Congratulations and we're both happy to celebrate this very special day at a restaurant for dinner.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

4th Month in Blogging

Remembering today is my 4 month in blogging. How times flew so fast for it has been 4 months already and I am earning some cash now just by advertising new products online without leaving our house. I am so glad that I find a way to make my own money or else I'm gonna get crazy staying at home without doing something.

Most of my friends are blogging too so this is some sort of competition for me and challenging in other way. Somehow thankful to them because they taught me how to do it. I do the same too if ever somebody ask some help when it comes to posting opps.

Monday, October 8, 2007


Oh it's good that I remember,today is the 23rd birthday of my brother next to me who is in Abu Dhabi right now. It's gonna be his first birthday away from home. For him,Happy Birthday Iring..wherever you are..whatever you do,May you live a long life in this world and be blessed and be safety all day everyday at work or when sleeping.

Be good and wish you reform na when you come home to our parents..

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I have done so much today. Truly a straight slumber at night and an hour nap make a difference. I feel good today alright? Not being deprived of sleep makes me feel more energetic. I completed my chores and bathe already.

I also spent time with myself by taking my time in the shower not thinking anything but relaxing and enjoy the warm water that flows down all over me. Seldom this can happen to me because I tend to prioritize my blogging rather than taking care of myself.

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