Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tagged by Rojoy

*Copy this entire list of questions and change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then tag and pass it along to other blogging friends. Let’s see how well we can get to know one another!

1. What is your occupation? - fulltime babysitter and housekeeper

2. What color are your socks right now? - I am bare foot right now.

3. What are you listening to right now? - listening to my baby's straining and groaning

4. What was the last thing that you ate? - ginisang kangkong,rice and orange and kinilaw

5. Can you drive a stick shift? - Sorry never tried, so I guess the answer is no.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?- blue

7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? -Mama

8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? -I really don't know her that well but yeah glad to get to know her.

9. Favorite drink? - lemonade

10. What is your favorite sport to watch? - I really don't have any favorite sports.

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? - Yup just one time.

12. Dog named - Chichai

13. Favorite food? - ice cream cake, cheese cake, and pinoy foods

14. Last movie you watched? - Stargate

15. Favorite Day of the year? - Holidays this is usually that family will get together.

16. What do you do to vent anger? - listen to cool and soothing sounds.

17. What was your favorite toy as a child? - rusted tin cans

18. What is your favorite, fall or spring? - both,so nice is the temp during those seasons

19. Hugs or kisses? - I want both.
20. What kind of pie? - Apple pie

21. Do you want your friends to email you back? - Of course if ever I want to keep in touch with them.

22. Who is most likely to respond?- Usually all of them only if they are not busy.

23. Who is least likely to respond? - I don't know, not paying attention.

24. Living arrangements? - Live with my family.

25. When was the last time you cried? - after giving birth,tears of joy!

26. What is on the floor of your closet? - shoes,shoes and shoes

27. Who is the friend you have had the longesest that you are sending this to? - none

28. The friend you have known the shortest amount of time that you are sending this to? - none

29. Favorite smell? - lalabs' armpit

30. What inspires you? - My family.

31. What are you afraid of? - I'm afraid of losing the ones I love

32. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? - Cheese burger

33. Favorite car? - akong car car

34. Favorite cat breed? - have no idea/clue when it comes to cats

35. Number of keys on your key ring? - 5

36. How many years at your current job? - a month

37. Favorite day of the week? - weekend

38. How many provinces have you lived in? - too many to count

39. How many countries have you been to? - 2, Philippines and US

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