Thursday, July 14, 2011

Very Funny Pictures

I missed my little sister so much now. I can't wait for the weekend to come so that she could get online and chat with me. It has been a while since I've talked to her. If we still have an internet service in our home in Cebu, we could have chatted every weekend including the rest of my family. We used to do that often and now she rarely gets on the internet for the reason she has to pay for an hourly rate at a neighbor's computer.

I missed those times when we laugh together cam to cam and share really funny pictures that could really cracks her up. If I don't get to talk to her one of these days, I would be sulking and won't call the Philippines for a while. We will see if they don't get worried of me not calling them. I've done it once, for the whole five months since I left there they weren't able to hear anything from me so they got online and chatted with me asking why the silence? I just simply told them I didn't feel like calling them because I have my personal reason why and that they cannot force me to do things I don't want to do.

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