Monday, December 7, 2009


For weeks, I was trying to find my camera charger and usb cable, without these things it is impossible for me to transfer our photos to my computer so I was eager to really find them. I was getting pissed because I looked everywhere, I went every boxes we have in three rooms but still I couldn't find the damn things.

My husband almost buy me a new charger today and I asked him how much, he replied 47 dollars. I exclaimed, WHAT?? That is the price of a freaking new charger, why the world everything is so expensive?? I told him to put the thing down back to the rack and forget about it. 47 is too much for me. I can buy something else other than stupid charger in Best Buy. So today, I was able to save ourselves from wasting 47 bucks. Aside from that, I FOUND our old charger!!! Isn't that great?

I felt relieved! Now all I have to do is find the USB cable then I will be good. Sometimes, we are too blinded of the things we thought we couldn't find while in fact they are just right before our very eyes. That's what happened to us. We looked everywhere just for the damn charger but it was just in my computer box IN FRONT OF ME.

1 comment:

Sweetrio said...

Ka nice pa basahon aning imong mga post Dhay oy, maka learn gyod ko ug English ug spelling bah! E YM imong new palace na address sa akoa. Pero sa pasko na nako ipadala kay pinaskuhan baya na nako nimo, LOL! Padalhan taka ug lima ka klase na buwad, naa pay kugita nga buhi pa kaayo, heheheh...Hugs to Deden!


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